

​​Me whakaako me urupare ki ngā ākonga i runga o te matatau me te urutau kia neke whakamua ai te ako i te taumata me te kaha e tika ana mō ia ākonga.
Teach and respond to learners in a knowledgeable and adaptive way to progress their learning at an appropriate depth and pace. 

This means:

  • ​Teach in ways that ensure all learners are making sufficient progress, and monitor the extent and pace of learning, focusing on equity and excellence for all.
  • Specifically support the educational aspirations for Māori learners, taking shared responsibility for these learners to achieve educational success as Māori.
  • Use an increasing repertoire of teaching strategies, approaches, learning activities, technologies and assessment for learning strategies and modify these in response to the needs of individuals and groups of learners.
  • Provide opportunities and support for learners to engage with, practise and apply learning to different contexts and make connections with prior learning.
  • Teach in ways that enable learners to learn from one another, to collaborate, to self-regulate and to develop agency over their learning.
  • Ensure learners receive ongoing feedback and assessment information and support them to use this information to guide further learning.


  • Group learning tasks. 
    • Follow this link to group planning for Reading & Mathematics which was carried out while relieving in Yr 6-8 classroom T2 W5-9 2018.  I also use jigsaw activities to support students to work in different roles within a co-operative groups.
  • Encouraging learner agency.
    • Follow this link to curriculum planning for Inquiry learning 2018.  Inquiry learning supports the development of our learners.  They provide ideas and suggestions at the end of a year related to our school, community and wider world wonderings, these are used to design the curriculum for the following year. 
  • Learner lead teaching/learning activities
  • Learning conversations with students 
    • Follow this link to Circle Time planning which encourage a lot of conversation with student and between students related to PB4L expectations from relieving in a Yr 6-8 classroom in T2 2018.  I believe in being explicit in giving students permission to make suggestions about what they could do next in their learning.  I notice and give feedback to students who talk with their classmates in ways that help each other to learn.
  • Provide extra learning support where/when needed
    • Regular conversations with RTLit on supporting specific students with their learning, also following recommendations from testing and action plan.  Follow this link to see an assessment and recommendations which I implemented while teaching this student in 2018.


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