
Showing posts from 2018

2018 Term 1 Reflection

Term 1 2018 has started my journey as a crt teacher for 6 classes at Burnham School.  These are a range of year groups from Yr 1-8 and include a junior and senior bilingual class.  I have also taught in our Yr 7/8 class regularly to cover a prt who was also on leave for a number of weeks. I have found that teachers are sharing their planning

Design for learning

Design for learning ​Me hoahoa ngā mahi akoranga e ai ki te marautanga me te whai mōhiotanga ki ngā tikanga whakaako, ki ngā kōrero aromatawai, ā, me te mārama ki ngā pūmanawa, ki ngā hiahia, ki ngā matea, ki te tuakiri, ki te reo me te ahurea o ia ākonga. ​ Design learning based on curriculum and pedagogical knowledge, assessment information and an understanding of each learner’s strengths, interests, needs, identities, languages and cultures. This means: Select teaching approaches, resources, and learning and assessment activities based on a thorough knowledge of curriculum content, pedagogy, progressions in learning and the learners. Gather, analyse and use appropriate assessment information, identifying progress and needs of learners to design clear next steps in learning and to identify additional supports or adaptations that may be required. Design and plan culturally responsive, evidence-based approaches that reflect the local community and Te Tiriti o Waitangi part...

Professional Learning

Professional Learning Me whakamahi i te pakirehua, i te hīraurau hopanga ngātahi me te akoranga ngaio hei whakapakari i te āheinga ngāio e whai pānga ana ki te akoranga me te paetae o te katoa o ngā ākonga. Use inquiry, collaborative problem solving and professional learning to improve professional capability to impact on the learning and achievement of all learners.  This means: ​Inquire into and reflect on the effectiveness of practice in an ongoing way, using evidence from a range of sources. Critically examine how my own assumptions and beliefs, including cultural beliefs, impact on practice and the achievement of learners with different abilities and needs, backgrounds, genders, identities, languages and cultures. Engage in professional learning and adaptively apply this learning in practice. Be informed by research and innovations related to: content disciplines; pedagogy; teaching for diverse learners, including learners with disabilities and learning suppo...

Professional Relationships

Professional Relationships ​Me whakaū, ā, me whakapūmau i ngā hononga ngaio me ngā whanonga e arotahi ana ki te akoranga me te whaioranga o ia ākonga. Establish and maintain professional relationships and behaviours focused on the learning and wellbeing of each learner. This means: ​Engage in reciprocal, collaborative learning-focused relationships with:           – learners, families and whānau          – teaching colleagues, support staff and other             professionals          – agencies, groups and individuals in the community. Communicate effectively with others. Actively contribute, and work collegially, in the pursuit of improving my own and organisational practice, showing leadership, particularly in areas of responsibility. Communicate clear and accurate assessment for learning and achievement information.  Evidence/Strategies: Wha...

Learning-focused culture

Learning-focused culture ​ Me whakawhanake i tētahi ahurea akoranga e arotahi ana ki ngā āhuatanga o te whakaaro nui, o te whai wāhi, o te aroha, o te mahi ngātahi me te noho haumaru. Develop a culture that is focused on learning, and is characterised by respect, inclusion, empathy, collaboration and safety This means: Develop learning-focused relationships with learners, enabling them to be active participants in the process of learning, sharing ownership and responsibility for learning. Foster trust, respect and cooperation with and among learners so that they experience an environment in which it is safe to take risks.  Demonstrate high expectations for the learning outcomes of all learners, including for those learners with disabilities or learning support needs. Manage the learning setting to ensure access to learning for all and to maximise learners’ physical, social, cultural and emotional safety. Create an environment where learners can be confident in their ...


Teaching ​​Me whakaako me urupare ki ngā ākonga i runga o te matatau me te urutau kia neke whakamua ai te ako i te taumata me te kaha e tika ana mō ia ākonga. Teach and respond to learners in a knowledgeable and adaptive way to progress their learning at an appropriate depth and pace.  This means: ​Teach in ways that ensure all learners are making sufficient progress, and monitor the extent and pace of learning, focusing on equity and excellence for all. Specifically support the educational aspirations for Māori learners, taking shared responsibility for these learners to achieve educational success as Māori. Use an increasing repertoire of teaching strategies, approaches, learning activities, technologies and assessment for learning strategies and modify these in response to the needs of individuals and groups of learners. Provide opportunities and support for learners to engage with, practise and apply learning to different contexts and make connections with pr...

Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership

Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership ​ Me whakaatu i te ngākaunui ki te tikanga o te tangata whenuatanga me te hononga pātui i raro o Te Tiriti o Waitangi, i Aotearoa. Demonstrate commitment to tangata whenuatanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership in Aotearoa New Zealand. This means: ​Understand and recognise the unique status of tangata whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand. Understand and acknowledge the histories, heritages, languages and cultures of partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Practise and develop the use of te reo and tikanga Māori.  Evidence/Strategies: Cultural Supervision - regular conversations with the LAL of Te Puawaitanga Master Degree Research Project  Engaging in culturally relevant PD - attendance at the NZARE Conference 2017 and